
I. Caterpillar Dream

by Rula Shin

in a large white room
with walls made for watching
i sense a meaning of great importance

i feel i must understand this
Â’somethingÂ’ i know is present
though elusive

a movie plays against the colorless wall as i
stare at the flashing pictures before me
passing hidden messages back and forth
within these guided images
mixed with scripted words

in vain i strain but cannot
find the message on my own
exerting my mind to no avail
i ache for the knowledge,
longing for just one piece of the puzzle

it is in this moment that you come to me
your presence drifting seamlessly down
voiceless, shapeless
a spirit so soft
though i see nothing

i know it is you dear
i know you are LOVE
i know you've come to help me dear
expose the secret behind these walls

but LOVE you have no voice
you cannot tell me
and LOVE you have no body
you cannot show me

suddenly, i sense your smile upon my mouth
as my forehead your gentle eyes do kiss,
and in OUR glowing presence, LOVE,
rainbows shed white their walls
so as we form our wings within
the reflection reveals itselfÂ…


Author's Note: Based on one of the hundreds of vivid dreams I tend to experience ceaselessly in my so-called sleeping hours.

No truth ever reveals itself before the mystery of the SELF is uncovered. LOVE is my way. Thank you LOVE.

Posted on 04/13/2005
Copyright © 2024 Rula Shin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 04/13/05 at 07:14 PM

...rula, you rule!!! ya know said that to 'learn oneself is the beginning of a lifelong love affair...so you're in good company of finding love for ourselves...

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 04/13/05 at 07:41 PM

...rula, i wasn't thru...it was Oscar Wilde who said that about learning to love ourselves, yada, yada...yet, your poem says that and more!...'colourless walls', 'hidden messages', and 'scripted words'... a thoughtful piece about love(ing)...and the search for love ...peace,chaz

Posted by Christina Bruno on 04/14/05 at 12:36 AM

i like how the title is caterpillar...and i love the images here. it is very beautiful, put together very nicely :D

Posted by JD Clay on 04/15/05 at 03:13 AM

Now there's a dream worth jumping back into bed for. I've been know to chase my tail, and a few other things for, into the dark of night, but this one is a gem, Rula. Good stuff. pe4ce...

Posted by Laura Doom on 04/15/05 at 08:19 PM

The white room is made for reflection - retrospection and immediacy - the watcher is the source.
A touch of genius

Posted by Quinlan L Gibson on 04/15/05 at 09:26 PM

oh girl! this is such an interpretive piece! You could take alot from it. much depth. good job!

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 04/18/05 at 02:51 PM

love is water and deep and while we discover ourselves walking on it, if we reflect on attainment, for all the wrong reasons and concrete and leave it not to the faith and the mystery of why we are able to walk on it; we sink.

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 04/19/05 at 12:56 AM

’something’ i know is present though elusive a movie plays against the coloreless wall….’ A wall barricading YOU and the general AWARENESS AT LARGE. The awareness is there for every one to draw from but only we are not there. This realization, this SENSING ..’something’ I know is present’ is a unique experience generating this ‘ache for the knowledge, longing for just one piece of the puzzle’… and here walks in the impression you need in the form of ‘voiceless, shapeless a spirit so soft though i see nothing’…and you recognize this voiceless. Shapeless spirit, and why wouldn’t you not since you ‘see nothing’ nor do you interpret or verbalize, its pure SENSING which alone is capable of recognizing the very presence of the beauty of ‘voiceless, shapeless, awareness and not in ‘scripted words’, not in any verbalized form, not in any known language. You simply KNOW and you know ‘it is you dear i know you are LOVE ‘ and you know through your SENSING you will rise in LOVE and you do. Rise to a level, voiceless and shapeless, becoming ONE with the essence of this very LOVE. The very wall barricading the AWARENESS AT LARGE, now turns into a screen reflecting beautiful impressions,…’ in OUR glowing presence, LOVE, rainbows shed white their walls so as we form our wings within the reflection reveals itself…’ This is no dream. This is a realization, a pure sensing, a beautiful impression you registered through your subconscious and presented here in this flawless flow and beautiful words. Hats off to you.

Posted by Mary Abeln on 06/18/05 at 04:40 AM

Perhaps because I adore the scared but wonderous feeling of discovering love, and how after you realize it it seemst to be everywhere. Perhaps because I love the description of "walls made for watching". Perhaps because the entire piece just seems to make an outstanding amount of sense. Perhaps something else. All I know for sure is that I really enjoyed this.

Posted by George Hoerner on 08/07/10 at 02:57 PM

Well done lady. The muses were riding on your shoulder as you wrote this from within.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 03/15/11 at 02:21 AM

Deep and Lovely, indeed.

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