Storm by Lori I WolfeOn the edge of the earth, she gazed upon the brilliant reflections that rippled in the gentle waves from dusks departing glows, with the image of him in her eyes. Seagulls danced in the setting sun singing out for their supper while she listened to his whispers of love within the breeze. The mist of salty air kissed her skin as she felt his lips upon her flesh, remembering the sweet taste of his passion.
Distant clouds begin to form rumbling their coming arrival, crowding the setting sun, suffocating the flames. A bolt of light reaches out through the darkness, followed with a roar, gloating its triumphant victory. The ocean waves grow higher to greet the blackened sky as the seagulls run for cover. The drop of tears explodes upon the surface, rippling nights reflections, causing turmoil across the waters.
Emotionless, she held her ground still lost within the grays, flinching with the slamming of her vault, sealing her inside her broken heart. She stood with her outreached arms beaten by the fiery of the storm that rage inside the walls of her security blanket. Pleading out for retribution while crumbling onto the earth in torment of her soul.
She weeps now from her inner spirit, disconnected from her bleeding heart. Crawling to the jagged edge, peering into the broken reflection of what she, once was, trying to catch a glimpse of sanity. Coolness numbs her body suffocating her inner essence. His words un comforting and cruel consume her, tearing a tattered soul. Whispers of a feminine song, of the one who took his love away, sings out with glory, splitting her in two dragging her deeper into the watery grave.
Her lungs fill with flames as the salt penetrates her open wounds, drowning out the sparks that lit her spirit. The storm rages above her screaming out with anger. She drifts further beneath its fury to the cold depths of her sanctuary. A gentle peace washes over her battered soul as the remnants of her heart beat to the waltz of its demising tune. The storm beats its fierce drum in one last attempt of an awakening.
Bubbles escape, gasping on the surface, crying the bitter sweet end for the tormented, resting now on the bottom of the world. Peace drifts in with the tide as the storm passes with frustration, shouting out its defeat. The stars peek through the smokey clouds shining with memories past. A new light appears to watch over the endless realm of loves broken souls. 04/08/2005 Posted on 04/08/2005 Copyright © 2025 Lori I Wolfe
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 04/15/05 at 06:36 PM Worthy capture of an internal storm in the aftermath of failed relationship. Well done! |
Posted by Charles E Minshall on 04/17/05 at 05:39 AM mesmerizing Lori, well done...Charlie |
Posted by David R Spellman on 04/20/05 at 09:38 PM What ruinous thing of beauty you have wrought in this piece Lori - absolutley, deeply expressed and felt. |