
Somebody Out There

by Shonda Creemer

I passed this guy the other
morning on my way to work
I-40 East/Entrance #149
His cardboard sign read:

I've never considered picking
up a hitchhiker before and
had life not been underway
I might have actually paused
just that one time
taken him for a cup of joe,
a bite to eat, some conversation

Later I remember thinking...
he looked so young
I wondered how he got where
he was ~ was it by fate or choice
and why Birmingham?

Was he someone's son, someone's
brother or uncle; perhaps
no one's friend ~ or so it seemed

and had I taken the time to stop
letting him know that somebody
does care ~ Would I have
entertained an angel unaware?

I missed my chance
he wasn't at the entrance the
next morning, but he was in
my thoughts; and it seems
there he still remains

a somebody to me
in a nobody world
he calls home


Author's Note: Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:1-2 **for my angel unaware, I may never know your name ~ but you have made a mark in my life**

Posted on 03/22/2005
Copyright © 2024 Shonda Creemer

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 03/23/05 at 06:57 PM

...shon, this is sooo many things...poignant, caring, existential, i-thou (Martin Buber), and intriguing...you 'member the butterfly axiom about sitting down and it'll land on you...well, reahing out like this issss the way, but we always gotta be careful...good write! gal, peace, chaz

Posted by Melissa Arel on 03/26/05 at 01:52 AM

wow.. this is simply touching.. relatable and sweet.. awesome work..

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