She Doesnt Deserve So Many Of My Words by Amy WustrinShe was hiding in the closet
Like the mangey whore she is
But the reality of it was
*I* was your dirty little secret
Not quite attractive, of skinny, or cool enough
To be socially acceptable
As anything more that "Just Sara"
And I could have handled it
If it ended there
But you, you had to open
Your drunken, stoned, coked-out mouth
Without any thought at all
And make everything worse
Shit-talking, insulting
Blatantly lying
About me
To me
Until the final injury
Finding some girl you told all of us you hated
Huddled in your closet, waiting for me to leave
If you didn't think you were doing anything wrong
You wouldn't have felt the need to tuck her away until I was gone
But you're an expert at playing dumb
Especially when your even dumber friends are around
And everyone but me believed you
When you "didn't understand" why I was crying. 11/24/2004 Author's Note: You suck. YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 11/24/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin