intensity by Emily G MyersYou looked at me with a kind of intensity
That I've never seen in a man
But your eyes gave you away
Maybe you didn't want sensitivity to show
But I saw it in your eyes
You've never cried with a woman near you
But I whispered softly
I told you that I love you
With every breath I've ever taken
With every dream I've ever dreamt
I've loved you every moment of my life
And I looked into the blue skies that are your eyes
I saw you melt
Your smiling eyes filled with tears
As you told me what I'd waited for
You love me too
Deeply, insanely
A love that will never end
Then it was my time to cry
To melt
And my eyes gave me away 11/25/2000 Posted on 10/26/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers