Sunburn in October... Summer's Joke on Me by Amy WustrinI finally got a sunburn this year
Too bad its October
My skin radiates heat like a steamed lobster
While my teeth are chattering
In the cool evening air in Harriman State Park
It's Forest Of Fear season
And I spent my sunday building booths
For taking pictures
And selling popcorn and cotton candy
My skin will itch and beg for Aloe
Before I dress in my Fear clothes
This year I'm going as the Pot Fairy
Cloaked in fake (how disappointing) cannibus leaves
And plenty of green layers
To spend my weekend nights
Interacting with drunk and stoned (how ironic) patrons
Forcing them to be photographed before they enter the slaughter house
And encouraging them to veiw their photo
In the trailer to the left
If they survive. 10/04/2004 Posted on 10/04/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin