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Bitter between my teeth

by Britt Zimmerman

Its like lying on your back
waiting to be slaughtered in your sleep.
It keeps the insomnia alive anyway, and
I feel like shaking and trembling in a corner,
conversing with voices that aren't really there.
There is a darkness inside the hatred
and I dont like where I am living.
I feel the spiderwebs on me all the time
and I want to scratch them off of my skin until I bleed.
Watch the maggots inside me scramble for shelter.
I dont want to house them anymore,
They are dirty like basements
with those that know you too well creeping in the corners
waiting to snatch you from your innocence,
and force your inner self to float helplessly on the ceiling
and watch from the outside.

There is bitter between my teeth
and I can wretch until I am nothing but dry heaves.
Until I am gnarled and haggard
cadaverous and emaciated

And sleep will find me at last
on the dirty vinyl floor
where rats have scurried
and left their droppings
where ants nibble at my toes
Where there is no peace
no moments rest
to stop the spinning
to disembark
and leave this world...


Posted on 09/01/2004
Copyright © 2025 Britt Zimmerman

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/05/04 at 03:14 PM

WOW! This is really dark stuff, though well written ans compelling. Hope you're OK.

Posted by JD Clay on 01/31/05 at 10:50 PM

This has the makings of a really bad nightmare or a great Stephan King Movie. One I would be willing to pay to see. Thanks for the preview, Britt. Pe4ce...

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