
Love In HTML Format

by Jersey D Gibson

Digital love in the electronic age,
where a date is a double-click away.
Process your profile in fast-as-light speed,
expand your search engine to find what you need.

Scan your picture, or use a web cam,
join a dating service, get lots of spam.
E-mail your honeyies half a world away,
all the lies, you'll never have to pay.

All your stories told, dating service paid,
and you still once haven't gotten laid.
You wanted it all, wanted to have more,
but you're nothing more than a digital whore.


Posted on 08/10/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 08/10/04 at 03:39 AM

A sign of the times? Yes, a lot of lonely people out there. I suppose accurate to some degree, certainly cynical but honest expression of what some must go through. Not me though, I sleep with a computer...literally...my computer's in my bedroom. :o)

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