

by Glenn Currier

While the burnished mother
sips water,
imagining its freshness on her back,
the father,
covered with his crimson orgasm,
observes the momentary
cocking of her head
from his perch
on the shoulders
of a nearby wandering jew.


Author's Note: Just a simple observation

Posted on 08/04/2004
Copyright © 2024 Glenn Currier

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 08/04/04 at 09:04 PM


Posted by Vimal Rony on 08/05/04 at 01:48 AM

A short and wonderful capture in ur unique style, Glenn.BTW is there a duality in this poem or am i just imagining hehe?

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 08/07/04 at 09:35 PM

Great observation Glenn....Charlie

Posted by JD Clay on 08/08/04 at 02:34 AM

Audubonic poetry at it's best, Glenn. I like your subtle yet effective style. Pe4ce...

Posted by Max Bouillet on 08/08/04 at 06:05 AM

I have always thought that one of the most important roots of poetry was the observation of the natural world. You do this with such beauty and fervor that it seems as though the reader is sitting beside you as you view the scene. Excellent.

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