

by Jersey D Gibson

Something strange with being inbetween,
sometimes one thing, sometimes something else.
Make chaos for order, bring war to secure peace,
I am the deathbringer, with heaven as no release.

Peacekeeper and peacemaker am I,
olive branch in one hand, weapon in the other.
Blood spills where roses once laid,
landmines in your childrens favorite parks.

What dangerous animals have we become,
what stops us from crossing that familiar line?
Lived so long with no restraint, no bounderies,
what makes you think society can contain us?

Make laws, break laws, heaven trembles at our name,
hell can only brings us to our already familiar nightmares.
The fire in our souls are long from gutted,
snap in the blink of an eye, without emotion.

But we are your guardians of peace, your protectors,
no hero ever has clean hands in this business.
We do things you can't, so you won't have to,
walk the path of evil with the grace of God.


Posted on 08/03/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 08/03/04 at 02:31 AM

One of the strongest pieces I've read of yours in a long time Jersey. So thought provoking and relevant in these turbulant times. In answer to your question of what dangerous animals have we become, in my opinion, we're the same as we've always been: trying hard to be civilized, and yet so many factors seem to keep us close to the wild.

Posted by Amanda L Marron on 09/16/04 at 08:23 PM

By any chance were you listening to Slipknot's new single "Duality" before writing this?? It really seems like it. Magnificient piece Jersey!

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