These Girls, And Their Boys, And My Envy, As Foolish As It Is by Amy WustrinI was supposed to go away
For a 4th of July weekend
Road Trippin'
Following a band
Who turned out to be some wonderful friends
The car was packed,
The tank was full,
But my wallet was empty
And suddenly so was I
I pulled out of that gas station
And just went back home
I was all out of pot
So I turned on the TV
Needless to say,
There was nothing on.
I put the disk changer on random
And heard everything from Eminem to Ani DiFranco
And I tried
Lord, how I tried to fall asleep sober
It's not like I wasnt exhausted
My brain just never shuts off
And no amount of perscription sleeping pills
Or arsenic
Can do what a bong hit does
Ozwald, my cat, wouldnt even talk to me
(He reminds me a lot of Chirs, I guess,
He's interest in me only extends
As far as my capacity to feed his addiction
Oz, being addicted to crushed ice
Chris, being addicted to being a shithead.)
But Dom called my cell phone
And when I lied
And told him that money
Was the only thing keeping me home
He told me never to do that again
And one of them would be happy to help me out.
God, I wish I had $20 to spare.
Maybe I'll eat a half-gallon
Of chocolate chip cookiedough ice cream
And pass out from a sugar-induced coma
So I can stop dwelling on
These girls
And their boys
And my envy,
As foolish as it is
Happy Independence Day
(May the terrorists never win)
07/03/2004 Posted on 07/03/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin