
alone and freezing

by Laura Doom

I am the pale reflection
of excruciating sunsets burning
vivid, yet unmemorable,
immense, yet insignificant.
I have been exhumed
my sorrow recovered
by the ice-crystal from purgatory
refracting brilliant light of day,
spitting automatic rounds of fire
from silver-plated clouds.

The world, expectant, dresses in crimson
while I, marooned in black humour,
follow the sporadic drip
of fluid intelligence,
a parade of disposable wealth
frittered on excess,
flushed down the pan.
In stark relief, I dance
in the afterglow
of her performing shadow
spraying self-indulgence
across the star-struck ceiling.

Primordial fingers pluck an oyster
whilst I bleed in frustration's bed,
tortured as witness
to the ultimate emotional scavenger
feeding on the entrails
of sacrilegious lambs
pleading self-defence.

Melifluous flames lick my lips
as I kiss the mind
that feeds my starvation
and pout an unconfessed desire
to run my swollen tongue
along the folds of flaccid lobes
and suck on the creative juices
oozing from those virtual splits.

I once dreamed of tasting her genius
though even in ignorance, I recognised
that genius is itself a form of ignorance.
Immortality is fed the wicked
by those more schemed against
than spinning headstrong through eternity.

While transients are window-dressing
my nemesis could strip the world
if only to redress it
with the ideal gift
for an unwanted present.

Familiarity breeds
in the knowledge
that ignorance is bliss.


Posted on 06/24/2004
Copyright © 2025 Laura Doom

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/28/04 at 03:55 PM

Indeed, a strong sense of isolation throughout this. Intriguing philosophy as well.

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 08/07/04 at 05:24 PM

Well, its utterly difficult to walk back into a 'common dream' one has just walked out from , feeling all alone and no one to share this uncommon experience. This piece seems to have emerged from a such a 'disillusioned state'. Yes, the 'Familiarity' of the 'common' ( which is normal as proponded by the proponders of the common belief system) breeds content in the knowledge that ignorance is bliss.' Knowledge? Well, believing that one knows too is knowing in this coomon belief system. hahahahaah This is a powerful piece, presenting a 'scene' uncommon, seen from a layer of awareness 'uncommon'.

Posted by Rachelle Howe on 08/07/04 at 10:49 PM

F*CK YES. *GRINS* laura, you do me proud. in ways i can't even begin to describe. this is priceless, chickie, and i'm *so* going to be feasting on it for most the day.

(and yes, the system IS totally f*cked.)

Posted by Max Bouillet on 12/04/05 at 05:17 PM

An everday miracle; a routine god; a common catastrophe. Downplay the miraculous and you don't have to act on the expectations others may have of your goddessness. I worship your words; you can't hide from the enlightened when you are so bright. ;)

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