
::dancing with divinity::

by Bethany Lee

i revere
these shooting stars,
for i have had the priviledge
of touching their tails of intensity,
as their light reflected upon me, momentarily,
everglowing upon my skin.

i remain
a radiant planet with rings
and strings,
dancing with maiden-voyage wings...

i have found at last
in fulfillment of manifold meanings
for Being:
creating my magnum opus:

the genesis of the next genetic generation.

what more could an artist ask for?
what greater poetic work could exist?

it is this miracle-in-the-making
that holds the whispers of the Beginning.
a union of surpassing lovejoy,
the wonderment of amorous acts,
leading to the delicious diviness of One.

this new endeavor of
mother and mentor
has begun.


Author's Note: re-6.14.4

Posted on 06/04/2004
Copyright © 2024 Bethany Lee

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Lacy D Phillips on 07/09/05 at 01:11 AM

I would have to agree that peace has a very liquid property to it.

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