On a Class Reunion Cocktail Napkin (Lunes) by Lacy D PhillipsI am a stiff drink
in your hand,
cold and comforting.
Ive no aftertaste
when drank straight,
only consequence.
singeing your windpipe.
I have disappeared,
melted ice
diluting liquor.
Im now a song
in your head
ever repeating.
Im not forgotten
easily like names of classmates.05/29/2004 Author's Note: WINNNER June 2004 Spyder's Empire Workshop!!! Series of six lunes written for the criteria as follows:
"Write a set of 6 Lunes to form one poem. Start the poem with an original metaphor for yourself. Use at least 2 concrete images in the piece."
Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips