Why Can't I by Amy WustrinEveryone else
Has left the lastnine months behind...
Why can't I?
Soon it will be
The day you kissed me for the first time
One year later
And everyone else
Will live it as a brand new day...
Why can't I?
Every month from November to July
Is contaminated
With your face
Your scent
And sometimes even your touch
Everyone else has moved on to new caresses...
Why can't I?
Everyone else
Has accepted
Their failures
Their losses
Their never-meant-to-be's
Loosened their grip
And let go
For the wind to carry them away...
Why can't I?
Everyoen else
Has forgotten
That you were ever, never mine...
Why can't I?
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin