Therapudic Communication by Amy WustrinYou clandestinely condescending cunt!
You think I don't see through you?
You think I cant tell
That your enthusiasm
Is nothing more
Than thinly veiled gloating?
So your paycheck's gonna be
Bigger than mine
So your car horn works
And you can plug a CD player into your lighter outlet
You pick stupid movies
And you always used to insist that i hang out with you
Even when I had no money for it
Even when I had no desire to
Thank God you got your stupid car
With all it's working parts
That way I don't have to sit
Through one more conversation
Where you know everything about everything
And my input is worthless
Because you don't smoke pot, but I do
Or suffer through more of your incessant backseat driving
You *always* did it
You *didn't* even have your liscence
Why don't you go take your "Theraputic Communication"
And practice it on some other emotional teenager
Becuase if you didn't know it, miss Know-it-all
I turned 20 the same week you did
And I dont appreciate being practiced on
~More like exploited~
Just because I deal with life
Differently than you
And by the way
You might want to lose
That despicable habit of yours
Where you talk to everyone
Like they're 5 years old....
Nobody likes it!
The End
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin