Security Breach by Amy WustrinI can't wait for tomorrow
I'm stuck in yesterday
And today gets stuck in the mix
And I can't wait forever
In case you change your mind
This is something that time just can't fix
You're a dangling carrot
Without even trying
And I'm a hungry horse
Or a horse's ass for crying
Take a deep breath
Let my pillow absorb my tears
Shrug it off and say
"This wont mean anything in a few years"
~A few million years
I've memorized your eyes
And the creases in your lips
I drink you in slowly
In carefully measured sips
And it runs through my veins
Till it reaches my heart
Breathing in, breathing out
Is a good place to start
How'd you get passed the guard
You weren't even trying to get in
Follow your footprints back out
You'll get an idea where you've been
If the gates close behind you
Dont climb to the top
(I know you wont)
The walls were built high
Jumping over's quite a drop
If you look back don't wish
That you'd never stumbled in
Just know loves a cruel game
And no one ever wins
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin