Peppermint Patty Meets That Little Red-Haired Girl by Amy WustrinThere I go being me again
Not your sparkling Red-headed
Charlie Brown dream girl
Not me
You know the one
Your favorite drink
Your metaphore
She's sweet, smooth, intoxicating
I'm all artificial sweetener
To mask the bitterness
And smooth...forget it
It doesnt come so easy for all of us
And anything she can do
That takes you to that height
I could do the same and sober you up
Like coffee, or cold water, or time catching up
then rushing passed
There I go being me again
Avoiding sleep like the plague
That's when i think of you the most
Is when i ought to be in bed
Warm and safe from anything that might hurt
But my brain won the game this time
I thought about you all night anyway
Now the sun is rising
And my contacts are dried to my eyes
It's OK
I know I'm not pretty enough
Even if you dont
You'd never say the words
You'd never even let the thought
Complete itself in your mind
But in the funnies section
While your Charlie brown
Is chasing after that "red-headed slut"
Don't you worry about this Peppermint Patty
Standing on the sidelines
Of this metephoric marathon
Choking back her tears
Trying not to meet your gaze
When you grace her with a sidways glance
She's just a little tired
And the sun is coming up
And her eyes are adjusting to the rays
And washing away the sleep out of habit
Go on and take that red-head in your hands
One more time
Make a toast and raise her to your lips
It's OK
She puts that sparkle in your eye
I know I'll never sparkle like that
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin