Mid-9th grade Crisis by Amy WustrinBlessid memoried
of long ago
whisper in my ear
Reminding me
of things I miss
from many a long lost year
The times we all knew together
linger in my mind
And offer to me the comfort
that I always seek to find
When I find myself
missing my old friends
The one's who swore
they'd be there to the bitter end
I realize that they're
just a phone call away
And if we wanted
we would call each other
Every single day
But as time passes by
and our contact ceases
The distance between us
uncontrollably increases
Till those who were once
my closest of friends
Become strangers
unto me
once again
Then I realize forever
is a heartless joke
That we play
on the one's we hold dear
Because we know it's impossible
and all we can do
Is hold our fond memories near
So this goes out to the people
that i've lost along the way
And maybe they'll remember me
on a cold and lonely day
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin