If I Wanted to Play Games by Amy WustrinIf I wanted to play games
I'd break out the arsenal of Parker Bros. and Milton Bradley
My family keeps for holiday gatherings
And engage my father or uncle or aunt
Or cousin or a grandparent
In some cut-throat competition
Because that's the way we play
But when the game is over, we will shake hands
And still be friends
If I wanted to play games
I'd go to Barbara's house
And we would entertain ourselves
For hours, and hours, and hours
With Playstation 2
And I would bury my face in the couch
During the really violent parts
And everytime we got bored
We'd just pick a new game
And nobody's feelings would get hurt
If i wanted to play games
I would play Chess or Risk
With a willing participant
Who knew what he was getting into
And we can both play to win
And anticipate each other's next move
And try to manipulate the rules, employing semantics in full force
And it will all be in good fun
And when the game is over
And only one can emerge victorious
We will be good sports
And no one will feel hurt or betrayed
We weren't playing for hearts, afterall, in a winner-takes-all tournemant
In other words
If I wanted to play games
I would be looking for an opponent
Not a lover
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin