How Barbara-Ann Got Broken by Amy WustrinSmothered and neglected and broken
She nurses herself back into good spirits
With cheese danish and donuts
~~things she'd never ordinarily eat (because she'd never ordinarily eat)
But she's got to keep her strength up
And her emotions down.
She fights a private battle
While overseas her freedom is being defended
By a brave young man
Who doesnt even have the decency
To say hello between missions
(Technology is just another way for boys to terrorize girls)
And back on the homefront
The one who insists on talking too much
and texting the same tired question over and over agian...
Somehow decided to never even return her call
And then he went off
To join the other soldiers...
Without even saying good-bye.
September 11th, 2001
November 11th, 2003,
May, 2004.
Not all acts of terrorism
Make the news.
05/29/2004 Posted on 05/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin