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For Chris (And A Few Others)

by Amy Wustrin

I hope she makes you miserable

I hope you give her everythng you can

And she takes it

And then wants more because it's not enough

And then she jsut leaves you

And you feel used

And discarded when it's all over

I hope you feel hopeless

I hope you feel like you'll be alone forever

I hope you are humiliated

feel like a jackass

For letting her take advatage of you like that

I hope it gives you ulcers

just thinking about it

I hope it tears you apart and eats you up inside

I hope you can never sleep again

because all you can do is

think about her

and miss her

all day and all night

until you can't take it anymore

I hope she hurts you like no one's ever hurt you before

I hope she makes you believe that you'll

never make anyone happy

or be happy yourself

I hope she makes you think you'll be alone forever

and feel like you deserve it

I hope you feel like something is missing

when you're with her

I hope you call her by my name

and she slaps you in the face

I hope that when she leaves you (and she WILL leave you)

you cry rivers in vain

I hope it's all too much to take

I hope that by the time sh'e done with you

All you want is to die

In other words

I hope she makes you feel

The same way you made me feel




And worthless


Posted on 05/29/2004
Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Meghan Helmich on 07/07/08 at 05:40 PM

this is just vicious (which is a good thing!)

i think the ending might be a bit too telling, because the poem is SO strong, and it says SO much without needing a summary ending. you might consider ending it a bit sooner. and i say that because by the time i get to "all you want is to die," i know EXACTLY what's going on. the only way you could wish such specific horrible things on someone is if you'd been through it yourself.

and might i just add that i'm living this right now. and i understand 100%. awesome poem, amy.

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