Fair And Balanced by Amy WustrinI keep my television
Turned on and tuned in
To Fox News day in and day out
It may be painfully obvious
(As it is with ALL news networks)
Whose side the anchors and hosts are on
But at least they invite 2 guests
With opposing veiwpoints
And watching everyone talk over eachother is funny.
Every once and a while, I even learn something new
So it can't be all bad.
I'm reading a book about the Gnostic Gospels
And I intend to read more.
Even though so far I don't believe a single word of it
I will finish this book and fully understand what I've read
Instead of immediately shrugging it off as heresy.
Yes, I was brought up on Jesus, Mary, and Joseph from birth
But I'm a big girl now
And in my heart I know Catholicism is right for me.
But I will pursue this topic with enthusiasm
Becuase I am interested in different perceptions
Of my Savior.
Some things just need to be that important to a person.
I listen to Ani DiFranco's pro-choice, left-leaning songs
Without prejudice
Even though I will be pro-life till the day I die
Because I respect her work
And they are some of the best examples of her infinite talent
I don't believe in silencing intelligent people
Just because I disagree with them.
(But sometimes if you try to get me kicked out of my dorm...that's another story all together...)
If her love songs are good enough for me
I can give her political musings a chance.
I catch the John Kerry campaign speeches
Whenever I have the time
Even though I think he's a liar
And it's almost a certainty
That I will vote for George W. Bush in 2004.
Because the election's in November
And it's only April.
A lot can happen in 7 months
And I want to make sure I shoose wisely
In the first Presidential Election I can participate in.
I even check out Nader on the rare occasion
And the candidates suggested
By the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
I don't want to throw my vote away.
I am open to any and all
Veiwpoints the differ from mine
I will listen with the intent
To undersatnd where you're coming from
Politics is an intense love affair
With high ideals
Not to be considered lightly.
But I am a consevative
And I am secure in my position.
Please don't think less of me becuase I don't change my mind.
I can hear all 10 sides of the story
And understand it perfetly, but stand my ground anyway
Because I believe in it
But I understand you believe in yours too
And at least I am wiling to listen.
So don't call me a Fascist for supporting the war
And I won't call you a Communist
For thinking that we need France to sign a permission slip
So we can use our own military
05/25/2004 Posted on 05/25/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin