American Lullaby by Amy WustrinWhen that sleep don't come easy
Well, then, neither do the dreams
The fantasy, the fiction, the escape
The American Ideal
A 3 bedroom house with as many
Bathrooms as there are children
(That's 2.5, and a mud room
for dirty sneakers
And the occasional kitty litter box.
And a pool. Even if you can't afford one.)
I am a sleepless American
Becuase I was scared awake
~By an emergency call~
By an assault on my freedom to dream
And live free
My eyes are wide open and I can see
From the looks on your faces
That you're dangerously well-rested
And ignorant to the fact
That your naptime's due for an abrupt end
And I hate to think what new
And violently rude awakening is in store
The snooze button's short circuited
Next time that alarm goes off
You're not gonna have a choice in the matter
Sleep well, children of America
And dream pretty
But don't be surprised
When you wake up to a nightmare
05/25/2004 Posted on 05/25/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin