A Sight For A Sore Heart by Amy WustrinI think about you constantly
I guses that makes two of us
But its giving me a headache
And the sight of the setting sun
Down Route 202 this evening
Is burnign my retinas
You'd be a sight for sore eyes
If you didnt make me
sick to my stomach
I'm casting solitary elongated shadows
On the concret campus
In the glow of the sleepy autumn sun
And even though I walk alone these days
I can't seem to go anywhere without you
You are all over 202
You're in every booth in the diner
(smoking section, of course)
Your face is plastered
All over my photography
And sometimes I can still feel you
In the passenger's seat of my car
Changing the radio station
And driving me crazy
And sometimes I can still feel you
Inside me
Sometimes it feels like my lips
Are still wet from your kiss
I cna feel the way you looked at me
The very last time we touched
I try to re-live that look
As much as I can
It was just the way I would
Want to be looked at
All the time
It was almost as if you really wanted me
I hate you for looking at me like that
Because I know you didnt mean it
You would be a sight for sore eyes
If I didnt want to cry
At the mention of your name
05/21/2004 Posted on 05/22/2004 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin