late night miracle cure. by Andrew S Adamscollege radio background noise,
and the rest is somewhat of a mystery.
could he talk to the phone?
hearing a dialtone once is for all he cares.
and that is the tedium of the night;
he shuts a door, only for it to fly back open.
does he believe in ghosts?
it's just as plausable as the wind.
in this stale air of an evening,
the am radio awkwardly plays songs that
havent been heard before. as a curiosity,
he listens. mostly to static, but maybe
a cure.
as lazy nights would go,
this is just another one.
having exhausted every option
(playing with fire chief among them),
the boy sits down in his rolling chair,
with the background noise as noisy as ever.
he writes something.
self aware poetry is only so cute for so long. 05/10/2004 Author's Note: take two for boredemn.
Posted on 05/11/2004 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams