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happy birthday

by William P Strucke

one more day has passed us by
another drop in the tides of time.
today, no different from the rest,
a tick on the clock and it’s in the past.

but when we’re old and looking back,
we’ll see we missed our time to act.
with every second we locked away
we missed a chance to enjoy the day.

it’s the memories we make that define our lives,
it’s who we see looking into our eyes,
the fog of time will hide most things,
but the minutes we share with our family and friends

so now is the time to have some fun,
savor each moment you have while you’re young.
this day of all days is here just for you,
so have a wonderful birthday, and remember it too.


Posted on 03/03/2004
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 05/01/04 at 02:13 PM

So true so true. Don't think the message could be expressed any better. Carpe diem.

Posted by Kara Hayostek on 08/01/04 at 04:24 AM

It IS my birthday, how did you know? This is such a very nice poem, honestly its great.

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