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Anne: rosebud.

by Andrew S Adams

charm bracelets leave tiny marks on the arm-
not like i really cared. obviously, this trinket
(enshrining the bhudda, the heart, the dragon
all of this spirit i would consider myself)-
it is something of magic, something keeping me
close next to you, as these images flicker onto a screen.

hush, these are just words. these are just complexities
that could be explained away if it were so desired,
but really. this isnt nessecary; we understand these things.
and what this is, i do not know. it could be anything-
it just feels like it could be the right thing-

thing, what a vague word. yet, guised in these musings,
that's all we really have- vague words- to describe something
very, very literal. something like a smile,
like a kiss. but it wouldnt just be that. in this sense,
'thing' is to the poetry as 'kiss' is to the action-
one word will never describe it so competely-
or correctly-
but we know that it comes out right when
that image and that spirit connect on the screen,
like a motion picture. the sound + the picture = something of magic.
something keeping me close to you,
as these images flicker off the screen.


Posted on 01/18/2004
Copyright © 2024 Andrew S Adams

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