Wonderings by Leandra K BrossardI stare into the flames,
mesmerized by the shapes,
bathed by the heat of it,
I watch the vapor wavering above the coals,
the shift in color as it rises,
licking quickly toward the sky.
I love the sky, it's depth and beauty,
the stars call back coldly to me,
aloof in their sovereignty of a land I cannot reach.
A part of me feels sadness for my tiny earthly flames,
Reaching pitifully toward a cold uncaring sky,
I long to keep them safely bound, as I am,
to protect them from the empty warmthless depth of space which arcs above,
To keep them close to one who loves them,
but alas, I cannot..
I love the flames, the fire,
the way they dance, the warmth they so selflessly provide,
I do not wish to free them to their empty trek alone,
along an empty and forboding path.
But they are not mine for the keeping,
They laugh at my well-meant foolishness and desert me,
I am left to the empty night as my fire dies down,
all it's light and heat escaped from their earthly bond into the air above.
Alone I gaze once more into the sky,
marvelling at the austere beauty painted above me,
I wonder at this world of ours and this heart of mine,
How is it that I can love such different things?
This sky which stands so still and distant,
beyond reach, and unreciprocating,
and those flames which had been so close and warm,
yet so quickly abandon me for a place I cannot follow.
01/10/2004 Posted on 01/11/2004 Copyright © 2025 Leandra K Brossard
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Maureen Glaude on 01/11/04 at 02:29 PM wow. I love landscape poems such as this, and this one is superior. |
Posted by Dana E Brossard on 01/12/04 at 05:19 AM Very nice darling. I enjoyed every bit of it =) |
Posted by David R Spellman on 01/12/04 at 09:31 PM Nothing like staring into the depths of a fire or wondering at the immensity of the night sky. The beauty of both you capture so well here. |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 01/13/04 at 05:46 PM Captivating slice of introspection, with lots of sweets for the soul between its layers. |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 01/14/04 at 03:02 AM Challenging symbolism. Thought provoking. "How is it I can love such different things?" really caught my attention. Lovely. |
Posted by Jean Mollett on 10/20/06 at 04:23 AM Hi Leandra,
Great write.
It's lovely. Spoken and written very well.
I also agree with some of the others. :) |