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Amber in Winter

by Adrian Calhoun

Out the door and down the road.
In the middle of winters night,
facing the strong wind, cold, and snow.

Country lanes, highways, and bi-ways,
where my truck ventures next,
who knows.

Spending hours alone,
on roads less taken,
in the heart of this vast nation.
Amazing how time has not touched this land.
Standing still, unused, and wide open.

Miles from nowhere,
a broken down home barely stands.
Where once a family lived,
only reminders of this regions
harsh and unforgiving nature.

On a night as bitter as this,
I can see why so many moved on.

As amber waves of grain
give way to silvery ghost white winter.


Author's Note: Every night I burn miles of road. Along them are many sights, some wonderous, some make you question your own sanity. This area is still vastly open and undeveloped with a lot of old broken down homes around the countryside abandoned for years now. Several roads I have ventured down, die. Some turn into wagon trails with no more than two ruts cut out and grass as tall as my trucks hood. Other roads the bridges have washed out or fallen down and never been replaced. Needless to say I have had to turn around many times, and there is always something interesting to see.

Posted on 12/02/2003
Copyright © 2024 Adrian Calhoun

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kimberly Bare on 12/02/03 at 09:26 PM

what a trip you take one on with these vivid words...Great Ride!

Posted by Cathlyn Cartier on 12/03/03 at 01:22 AM

Isn't it amazing to see areas that areas of yet "untarnished" by modernization. The natural, the man-made, returning to the wild as time encroaches and re-claims the land for nature.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 12/04/03 at 01:54 AM

A stirring description of what comes across as miles of semi-barren land! Yet, you speak of it with a sense of fascination.

Posted by Michelle Calhoun on 12/04/03 at 11:45 PM

Beautiful imagery and vivid description of our barren and abandoned Kansas countryside. If often appears lonely but peaceful....I truly enjoyed this ride and know that it won't be our last together. There are many country roads that we have left to "cruise". On a good note, You do get to come home each morning to me. *smiles and winks* XOXOXO

Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 12/07/03 at 11:56 AM

We can see you out there...heater on in the truck...music on the radio...coffee maybe in a thermos...looking out on the countryside...I like this glance out the truck window.

Posted by Agnes Eva on 02/17/04 at 03:13 AM

a recognizable slice of America... paints my memories of cross-country drives with some fresh paint :)

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