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march away

by William P Strucke

your blue nova eyes
like a sorrowful sunset,
the ones I fell for,
who i'd fly to the moon to see,
again, just out of reach.
if you knew me from inside,
you'd see beyond my failures
know truly i'm serious, gentle,
and you'd know
how good of a man I could be to you --

but instead i won't follow,
i'll watch your eyes drift away,
set upon another and fixed to the sky
bow my head and dream of you again,
though I know we'll never be -
you will always bring me joy.

when i see your smile,
I'll forget for a moment i'm alone
and my heart will swell, then again
run away with you...
and once again i'll be here,
without some of my soul,
missing you --
missing your eyes.
and the hand I'll never hold in mine,
but only in dreams~


Author's Note: while this one doesn't flow very well and i think it's a below average writing, it's from the heart.

Posted on 11/23/2003
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Agnes Eva on 11/23/03 at 08:16 AM

bittersweet, indeed. sometimes the words that just tumble out are the poem we just need to write

Posted by Ginette T Belle on 04/22/04 at 12:26 AM

"your blue nova eyes/like a sorrowful sunset"...what a beautiful way to start a poem..

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