
She Can't-Wait to Say Her Prayers

by Thomas K. Hunt

She can’t wait to say her prayers
Loves the word amen
Every night before she goes to sleep
We sit and do it again

An innocent true believer
I’ll never shake her faith
My heart is filled with warmth
To know she's in Gods grace

She knows well of his being
Reminds me, he’s everywhere
“Poppy, God is watching you”
“You know, he sees you there”

She’s literally my little angel
She has found my missing light
She can’t wait to say her prayers
Before bedtime every night


Author's Note: I'm teaching my Granddaughter Alexia Angel, and yes that's her real name, to say her prayers at night...All I can say is that I'm smiling right now.

Posted on 10/28/2003
Copyright © 2024 Thomas K. Hunt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jane E Pearce on 10/28/03 at 12:22 AM

This is so sweet. The innocence of the young-oh to keep it for life. Jane

Posted by Glenn Currier on 11/06/03 at 02:10 PM

What a beautiful picture you paint here. Now... this is the kind of intimacy and splendid human moment that warms my heart.

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