the divine in brief interludes by Lacy D PhillipsThis is only an attempt at inspiration, things that need to be said that never will be weigh on me as I struggle with this, a language that I never chose cannot compare with emotion, does not come close to express the weight of dependence.
Things that seem impossible, daunting to inquire of time, to even admit the desire unto the self, a thirst forever entwined with life... hidden among daily commutes favorite perfumes, our singular view... each task revealed only through collaboration of spirit and tangible humanity. I want to change the world, to become the difference. I will bring that change with me in the form of this body, present at all times to be presented to a world that values the perfection that I can never match in the form of this body, less than perfect, but with the potential of my mind at least. For how can this body contain the span of thought that indulge the impossible? How can a simple mind express the strength of one arm? The taste in my mouth can never be laid out on paper. And yet I will persist to say the unthinkable, to think the unimaginable, to imagine the impossible. I will continue, and in my endurance life and health and intellect, and all that I contain inside this self will forever depend on inspiration. 07/25/2003 Author's Note: An end to an interminable block that has plagued me and an answer to prayers. Amen.
Posted on 07/25/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips