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by Andrew S Adams

i shall wake on a certain night,
calling out to find my soul.
the world around me waits
patiently for my command.

i walk slowly, silent.

and at the stroke of this moment-
on this date,
the world will stop.
time will reduce to nothing.
you will be here, once more-
awaiting my prophesy,
as time starts over again.

and, on this night,
a jet engine will crush your room.


Author's Note: pretty obvious movie reference; count the syllables per stanza- make sure i didnt mess up.

Posted on 07/02/2003
Copyright © 2024 Andrew S Adams

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Cymbre Dolphay on 07/17/03 at 02:59 AM

It makes so much more sense now that I have forced myself to watch the movie. Beautiful...

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