
Will you read me for my beauty?

by Lacy D Phillips

Will you read me
because I posses
an unconventional beauty?
Will you pass me by
for my dated style,
my offset nose and uneven lips?
I don't wear my jeans low at the hips
or jeans at all if I can help it.
I don't highlight my hair
even though my three grey strands
show plainly at the part.
And I don't put out,
so don't even start.

21, and I don't dance
because it makes me vulgar.
I just want someplace to sit
where the music doesn't ruin
and to share an active interest.
No one that knows me knows me.
You would agree if you could
get past your depravity.
I'm too inaccesible, unapproachable.
I'm told it's too much effort
for an American
to put conditioning aside
and appreciate a more simple kind,
a new variety of attraction
wherein the mind is the draw
and art creates an inescapable bond.


Author's Note: Sleep deprived. Hate bars!
>/br> Decided to try a brave little experiment while at a bar in Kentucky, no less! Just off and started a conversational poem with some random (and might I mention, grossly under-educated) guy. He didn't appreciate it; and told me to (and I quote) "suck me off, you retarded cunt. What the hell are you even talking about? God!" And I don't like violence, and I don't like drama queen-ish public shows of emotion...but I simultaneously wanted to punch him (wouldn't have been fair, though, hitting an inebriated hill billy) and cry (I saved that for when I got home).

Posted on 06/26/2003
Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Beth K Hannah on 08/19/03 at 06:01 PM

i hate males like that. Living where I live, many do not let themselves become educated...makes me sad. Your poem is something I can readily bond with, for often the quiet beauty is passed over for vulgar beauty.

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