jacob by Lisa-Dawn SparlingGreen deep mesmerizing eyes.
So gentle in spirit, so kind in life.
My life began when they put you in my arms.
With you, your father and I became a family,
With you, my life finally made sense.
You were a blessing, a surprise, A miracle.
I never questioned my existence after the moment you were born,
I understood my purpose..
It was to give you life.
When I look at you now so tender and amazing,
I know that you saved me,
You gave Me life
You are my hero,
Second to know other.
Thank you son,
For making me complete.
06/15/2003 Author's Note: This is an incredibly person poem for a million reasons. I found out I was pregnant when I was 17. His father and I had no intention on having children until I he was 25. at the time I found out I was pregnant, many of my friends got involved in a bad scene, becaue I was pregnant I stayed out of the group...this saved my life I am sure. jacob's dad and I went on to have one more child and than his father passed away before he hit the age of 25....I truly believe that if I didn't have jacob we would have remained true to our plan and we would have waited.. This is a very vulnerable poem to me...and yes..all my children amazing...but my life began with jacob..with jacob I became a mother.
Posted on 06/16/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Agnes Eva on 06/16/03 at 05:04 PM a very powerful mother poem. blessings to you and your children |
Posted by Alex Smyth on 06/17/03 at 03:23 AM A tender expression of the connection that remains always with the ebb and flo of mother and child. |
Posted by John Ilotan on 06/20/03 at 02:51 PM Wonderful and touching poem. I can't imagine life without children. Great write. |