
Cave In The Land Of Fairies

by Kate Demeree

The Cave in the Land Of Fairies

     Long ago, before the time of machines there was a race of people known as fairies. They were a kind people who existed in the deep forests, in a realm of magic. They were magic, and mans faith in magic gave them life.
     In the forest known as Evergreen beneath the tallest trees with the deepest roots, on the north side of the trees in velvet green moss fairies would play.
     High above the canopy of leafy green branches fairies built their homes. Outside of the village of the oldest group of fairies there stood a tall mountain called Sentinel. From this mountain flowed the stream with the clearest, coldest water in the land. This stream the fairies named Mariah for like the wind it spoke to them and had a pure heart. Mariah flowed from the mountain in the west through Far Speak the village of the fairies.
     On the eastern side of the forest Evergreen there was a field of tall grass. To the north stood Raganork a castle built by man.
     To the south of Evergreen was a desert wasteland known as Shadowland. Shadowland was without water as far as the eye could see. Hot in the daylight, bitterly cold in the night.
     Flowers of every color and shape grew in Evergreen. Flowers not found in the villages of man. For these flowers like the fairies were magic, and could only exist in magical places.
     One fairy in the village was known for her bravery and kindness. She could always be counted on to be there when needed, her name was Syria. Syria was the daughter of the leader of the elves and had wings as deep dark blue as the sky on a clear summer night, midnight blue. In her wings were summer sky blue gems, her hair and eyes were the silver of lightening bolts. Syria was slender but strong in spirit and magic.
     Syria’s father Seth had been told by Mariah on the day of Syria’s birth that one day Syria would hold the future of magic in her slender hands. Seth being a very wise elf believed Mariah and taught Syria all he knew and then gave her the freedom to grow into what she was destined to become.
     Seth was large by fairy standards with gold hair, silver eyes and wings of forest green. The gems in Seth’s wings were emerald green and turquoise which was a sign he had great magic. Seth was a gentle fairy for all of his size and magical strength for he knew that with great power also came great responsibility and it was not to be misused.
     As Syria grew in magical knowledge and years she also grew in curiosity about the relationship between fairies and the world of men.
     Some fairies would venture into the castle, but it was never done without Seth knowing. It was important that when a fairy went to the world of men they use caution. While fairies knew that without mans faith in them they could not live, they also knew that some sought to capture them and use their magical knowledge to gain power. The fairies understood that their magic was a gift and to be used only for good.
     For many years the fairies and mankind lived happily, each in their own realm, coming together only when there was a great need of fairy magic. Fairies helped men to keep the ogres and dragons away from the cities, man and his faith kept magic alive.
     Syria would often visit Raganork without her father knowing. There was a young girl Cammy who lived in a straw hut along the castle wall. Cammy believed in Fairies and Elves, she believed in magic. Syria could see the light of Camay’s faith even on the darkest of days.
     The king of Raganork was an old man and sickly, but he too believed. His son Dreath did not, when King Leopard died and Dreath became King he made a decree that no man was to speak of magic in the kingdom, or they would be put on the rack and their tongue cut out.
     Dreath had a love of gold and power, they were all he believed in. He decided to invade the rich lands to the far north and take their gold and lands for his own. He began to gather an army of non-believers greedy men like him-self. He built machines to throw large burning rocks over the castle walls.
     As mans belief in magic and fairies dwindled the flowers in Evergreen began to wither and die. The fairies became fewer in number, and the realm of magic began to fade.
     Mariah spoke to Seth and told him that now was the time of change, that mankind was loosing its faith in magic and without that faith fairies could not exist in the world of man. Seth questioned what he or anyone could do to change what men who did not believe thought. Mariah whose waters were now beginning to cloud said the future lay in the faith of a child and Syria’s hands.
     The land of the fairies began to change and become more as the land of man. Syria knew that only Camay’s faith and that of a few others was keeping the land alive.
     Syria watched Cammy grow into a young woman as she watched the flowers of Evergreen disappear from the mortal realm into a realm beyond mans reach, one of pure magic.
     Cammy came to Deaths’ notice because she was as beautiful outside as she was inside, and he came and took her from her fathers’ home. Dreath placed her with other women he had taken from surrounding villages to use as he pleased.
     Syria knew that Dreath was wrong and the women should be freed, but that no one would dare oppose Dreath for to do so was death.
     Cammy was stripped of her rags, given a bath and dressed in the finest silk. Tears were in her eyes; it was her turn to be taken before the king.
      Syria appeared before Cammy her whole being shinning like lightening in a stormy sky. She reached out and touched the lock of Camay’s door and it unlocked. Cammy looked at the beautiful fairy knowing that she was now seeing what she had known all her life she would.
     Syria and Cammy freed the other women Dreath had taken, and the prisoners from the dungeons, good men who believed in magic.
      All who were freed fled Raganork for the deep forest of Evergreen. Syria knew that even though Cammy and the others with her believed she could not take them to Far Speak for it was forbidden. Instead she took them to the part of Evergreen that bordered Mt. Sentinel. There she searched for a safe place for the mortals. Magic here
was still strong, where Mariah flowed over Sentinel.  Syria held her hands in the cool waters of Mariah, closed her eyes and searched for safety for the humans. Mariah parted, water flowing on either side of Syria’s hands to reveal a cave.  Here Cammy and the others took shelter.
     Mariah sang and even the mortals could hear her in this place.
     Will Cammy and Syria be strong enough of heart and magic to defeat Dreath? Perhaps some day we will find out, for now the story is done, as this was the tale about the Cave in the Land of Fairies and how it came to be.



Author's Note: Very rough draft written for daughter as school project. Hope you enjoy. I may someday return to polish it, or to add to the tale, you never know.

Posted on 06/02/2003
Copyright © 2024 Kate Demeree

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 01/26/09 at 01:27 PM

I must say, Kate, this is a swell cave for a Pilgrim to be sheltered in, protecting him from the elements, in addition it is nice and warm and comfy like your heart.

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