skip-to-your-own-loo by Emily G Myersfor days now
you've been skipping-to-my-loo
i haven't minded
but you're starting to
change my loo
and my loo
isn't ready to change for you
so from now on
you can skip-to-your-own-loo
my darling 12/28/1999 Author's Note: wading through poesie poems... this is one of the few that made me smile rather than wince so i thought i'd put it up. and hey, chris sorrenti commented on it back it poesie... so it can't be all bad. :)
Posted on 04/28/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 04/29/03 at 01:12 PM LOL! And I'm going to comment on it here too. Say, what's a loo anyway??? I must have heard this song/phrase numerous times, like so many others, without paying much attention to the meaning. I like how you've picked up on that and added your own touch and update to the song. Well done Emily! |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 04/29/03 at 01:13 PM PS: Have suggested it as POTD! :o) |
Posted by Meghan Helmich on 09/15/08 at 07:10 PM emily, this is great. and it inspired me to look up the origin of the song. i messaged it to chris, as well. hehe it's an old scottish song where 'loo' means love. so, that's one interpretation hehe also often regarded as a square dance song, so it might even just be referencing the action of dancing, or 'skipping to,' my 'loo' - love. |