Rain falls, and yet I don't by Lacy D PhillipsA warm rain, the sound of you leaving. The wind blows through an empty house, makes the doors close and open on their own. And I remember that I am alone and that the rain no longer soothes me.
I am forgetful of the rain. I no longer head it blowing under the window sills till I am nearly soaked in my own sorrow. With the new roof, the sound is nearly hollow. Maddening. The clock lends me its rhythm from behind a wall of smoke blown out blue against the Spanish Chestnut walls. I seem to have fallen in thrall with lonely rain-soaked thoughts. Missing a touch, forever unknown. Grieving for loves unlived, unloved lives, and vacant souls. Adrift. In corners of my mind that only rain can show. Rain, and a stiff breeze. Rain, and an empty house. Only me and a rain that will fall forever. And still this fire here will not be quenched. And I will thirst, because loneliness is easy. It is hard to express. A warm rain, and yet Im freezing.
04/17/2003 Posted on 04/18/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips