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by Andrew S Adams

i am perched here, alone. this place
is a vacated floor of an office building-
i am the three thousand and twenty third.
yet my view from the offices
is incredible.
i can see my emotions explained
on horizons, not so distant
but not so close-
it's like how you feel
when the clouds look so low
so gigantic
you could grasp them-
as you retract your hand
from the illusion.

where from there do i
trace my gentle steps
to run to this building
of safety and comfort?
i have found that this floor
suits me well-
awakened by my own screaming
that none other can hear-
my sanctuary is me and my fear.
and as i crawl on the carpet-
the ones that we all wheel our chairs
over without a sigh-
i find a light switch, and i grope
as i hit the switch
to shed light on my hope-
i find this room not empty
but filled with friends-
the emptiness was my own

and once i thought a mighty wind
might blow me from my perch-
wallowed in self hate and apathy
but this structure is strong,
this foundation is true.
where would i be me
without all of you?


Posted on 04/17/2003
Copyright © 2024 Andrew S Adams

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ashok Sharda on 04/20/03 at 04:55 AM

'you could grasp them- as you retract your hand from the illusion.'-What a realization! And the realization that one needs positive impressions and association in order to BE. The SCENE, the flow, the presentation, they are all flawless. This is so full of life.

Posted by Ginette T Belle on 11/14/03 at 03:53 AM

love this...you've expressed yourself so wonderfully...broken it down so the reader can relate...

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