It started Good, it was Christmas in Viet Nam
by Carl Walker"Aren't you going to shave?" some one asked
"Shave," I thought, "Why would I want to shave?"
we're here in the jungle
a bunch of guys warring play
very little play
twenty seven men/boys
i was the old man at twenty one
"who cares about shaving?", I said to no one in particular
then, in one of life's surreal moments I saw a vision
and the vision was real
a white woman in a red velvet elf costume, no two of them
my mind was dial tone, my heart was flat line
I had no resources to understand what was going on
except it became important to shave
It was Christams day in the jungle of Viet Nam
doughnut dollies brought an unexpected mail call
and egg nog in little cartons, everybody got several
I had a package
my Dad sent a fifth of bourbon and suddenly I was loved by everyone
(except maybe the dollies who smiled but hugged no one, i don't blame them)
it was the best bourbon and egg nog I've ever tasted
about three the next day eleven of our twenty seven were dead
twelve of our twenty seven were wounded
I got a medal
and got twisted inside
but at least I didn't wake up dead
I was ashamed when I went to the American Legion last month
and talked to heros of WW 2
I was ashamed because I suffered in an unneeded non-war
which no one wanted to hear about until lately
sometimes hard lessons produce good results
I'm grieved but no longer crying
My heart aches for the patriots in Iraq
but I'm very glad they're there
this will protect the tall buildings of American pride
from the death worship of unreasoning hate
and I'm sure
they won't be ashamed
when I see them at the American Legion
God bless you
the patriots of Iraqi Freedom