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What Husbands and Wives WANT(family theme, some adult content

by Carl Walker

Husbands want sex

that comes as no surprise to anyone

they need it like air to breathe

when they're old and impotent they think about it

even if they can't remember why

Husbands want sex


Husbands want their wives to ggive them sex

(and when I say ggive, I mean ggggive)

*entering into the mind of a husband*

"I wish my wife would tell me,

'this ____day (some day two days from now)

is going to be your day

I'm going to sex you up

whatever you want, if I've got it, you're getting it

however you want it, as loong as you want it

(and when I say as loong, I mean as loooong)

until you begg for mercy

(and when I say begg,

well,...... you really can't imagine unless you are a husband).' ."

its really that simple, that is what is in the mind of a husband

well, its almost that simple

you know I'm telling the truth


In other words

husbands want their wives to know what they want and give it to them

(or at least not to no them)

not considering that it is not what the wives need

(well, they do, but not in the same way)


what do wives want?

*entering the mind of a wife*

(some women are thinking, "this is a male author; that arrogant snott,

no mere man can figure out what is in a woman's mind"

all the men are thinking, "that stupid snott, no mere man can figure out what is in a woman's mind"

"I wish my husband wouldn't talk to me

when I'm trying to talk to him.

I wish my husband would excell in listening to me

and provide me a safe place to disagree, or express my heart.

I don't want him to dismiss my feelings by telling me what he thinks my solution should be;

I just want him to listen.

And I wish my husband wouldn't be silent

when I want to listen to him."

It's not that simple

but that's a start

now add affection and consideration

that is something of what wives want


In other words

wives want their husbands to know what they want and give it to them

(or at least not to no them)

not considering that it is not what the husbands need

(well, they do, but not in the same way)


here is something most husbands and wives miss

If a husband will give his wife affection and consideration

(even when he doesn't think she really needs it)

she will probably give him sex

(even when she doesn't think he really needs it)


but, mere mortals that we are,

we need to be taught,

we need to be told,

try this out

ggive your ____________ (husband, wife, long term partner, etc. --fill in the blank)

(and I mean ggggive)

what they need on their terms (not yours, Dolt)

twice for every once you try to teach, tell, instruct, ask, begg, etc

what you want

you may be surprised to get what you want

settle for less than yu know yu deserve

all I ask is that you do a little better than your ___________ (husband, wife, etc. --fill in the blank)


Author's Note: sexual content:please be warned this poem is in the process if being updated because.. well because it needs it. I have written some more comments in my journal about what is needed here. and I am very much seeking feedback email me if you like bigroof@yahoo.com Some people read this and it makes them mad, sad, despairing, etc about their relationship. If that is you, consider calling me, we can work on it together. Others read this and feel somewhat lost about how to discern what their partner wants, my hobby is collecting and giving information about how to WOW marriage (or long term relationships). I'd love to hear your thoughts about what works for you, what you want, etc. I love to encourage relationships. If yours is feeling a little wimpy I've collected some things that have worked for me. Oh, yeah, I'm a wanna be sex therapist, too.

Posted on 03/21/2003
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jack Lanier on 03/21/03 at 12:05 PM

Very descriptive, Carl. I do believe that no matter how old I get, I'll always have the desire. Jack :)

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 03/21/03 at 01:46 PM

A lesson for all here Carl, even for those like me in-between relationships. Risque but well worth the risk of stating it.

Posted by Cathlyn Cartier on 03/21/03 at 02:15 PM

= ) I read it and I had to smeil.. there is quite a bit of truth in there I believe.. but you left something out, for both sides... "quit expecting me to read your mind.. tell/show me what you want, how you want to be treated" a bit of the "how" was in there though.. Anyway.. .quite enjoyable Carl

Posted by Maryellen Lebeda-Parra on 03/21/03 at 04:47 PM

i read this ... it did not make me mad, sad, depressed etc. i liked it ... there are some things about my marriage that i think you would find interesting. i think i will send you a message on it later. along with something that i wrote on me and sex in my marriage.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 03/22/03 at 10:44 PM

*sigh* a little late for the likes of me! Been there and done that! ;) Have you been reading Dr. Dobson? :) There is an element of satirical humorous irony in this poem as well! Yeah, I got a chuckle or two out of this!

Posted by Paul Little on 03/24/03 at 08:58 PM

oh man...this is brilliant....keep it up

Posted by Jean Mollett on 05/10/03 at 02:29 AM

Hi Carl, I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this, but I did. Just to see what you had to say. And there's more you left out too. Just because your married, doesn't mean you have to give him what he wants and when he wants it either. Sex is "not the most important thing there is in a marriage". You got to want to when you want to. Wives want respect, and they like to cuddle, doesn't mean they always want to. No wonder women getr tired of it and some men have known too also. And if you have a man that's yelling and screaming at you pretty often. Doesn't have to be about one certain thing. Then he starts fussing showing his butt if he doesn't get he way. Could even care less how you feel. After awhile it gets old real fast. And hears a good one for you. Then you men after showing your butts, yelling, etc. then you have the nerve to expect something that night. Like nothing ever happen before, yeah right. That gets old real quick too. After awhile you get tired of it, and the thoughts of being with him, no way. You just don't have the heart anymore. Here's another good one for you. For an example: Say your wife is really ill, not able to eat right, keep anything down much. And she's not sleeping right. And trying to find out what's wrong. Then the nerve of a man showing his butt, cursing, raising cane to have sex. She's so ill, laying there in bed sometimes, couldn't stay up much. She finally gives in just to shut his big mouth up. Not make love, that's not making love. That's not love. That's lack of respect for his wife, or her feelings. I'm not angry, just thought I'ld let you know. Marriage is good, but some is not met to be. Now, add that to your book. Jean

Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 08/30/03 at 07:53 PM

I have heard it said that when sex is good, it is 10% of the marriage, and when sex is lacking, it is 90% of the marriage. As a married woman with no sex drive I pondered it for a while. After reading your poem and thoughts, I now understand. Very nice piece from the counselor.

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