giving to charity (updated) by Emily G Myersdo I support cancer research?
and who would say no?
not enough money for spring break?
I'm not going out of town
so why did I stay?
I didn't buy his raffle ticket
a free vacation to somewhere sunny
hot and full of bikinis
what would I do if I won?
still I stayed
and maybe it was because
of his right eye that wouldn't fully open
or the lack of tithing recently
and I can only wonder at his thoughts
as a rich white girl
stuffed a 5 dollar bill
into a slot meant for coins
"wow... God bless you, girl"
rich white girl
it echoes in my mind
what he'll say to his frat brothers
all male and with caramel or coffee skin
a membership I could never claim
maybe that's why I stayed
reached for the 5
and left him silently
to analyze my moves 03/10/2003 Author's Note: So, you know, as luck would have it, I decided to read "Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now" by Maya Angelou and her words were written directly at me. (o:
"As inheritors or managers of fortune rather than direct earners, perhaps they feel exiled from the gifts; then it follows that they feel exiled from the recipient. It is sad when people who give to the needy feel estranged from the objects of their generosity. They can take little, if any, relish from their acts of charity; therefore, are generous out of duty rather than delight. If we change the way we think of charity, our personal lives will be richer and the larger world will be improved. When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed."
Wow... so there you go. Answers to my questions from Maya Angelou.
Posted on 03/10/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers