My heart flows upon a journey into the unknown
Seeking warmth within the river of my soul
Like a seed reaching out onto the light of life
Giving it birth from the darkness of its womb
My heart cradles everlasting hope
Wrapped within the blankets of my faith
Like the Saints looking out upon the stars
Waiting for the Wings of Heaven to guide them home
My heart peeks open letting in the rays
Once again putting love into the hands of trust
Like the sands of the earth on the edge of the world
Being kissed and caressed by the waves of the ocean
My heart shakes upon this journey into the unknown
Seeking love with its battered spirit
Surviving the bitter storms of lovers past
Searching for the passion hidden deep from within
My heart takes its last journey into lovers domain
With its perpetual hope my love will prevail
That trust can shelter the inner truth
And faith can embrace two hearts as one