blind eyes by Andrew S Adamsthe pain is only the truth
being seen throught blind eyes
ah, the blind eyes.
the window to the uncorrupted soul.
the windows in, not windows out
so there is no corruption flow.
the blind man sees no pain
the blind man sees only his mind
the blind man is the window to the world
which he can not see.
uncorrupted mind
the truth.
it shines
and opens the eyes of the blind.
the blind use their heart
more then the mind
for the heart knows
what the mind lacks.
somtimes what you need most
is to be blinded by those
who you love to see with your heart
and not your mind.
the heart and mind of one being
is that a lost occurance
that the two possibly seeing
without the blurred vision
one ee without the other
is weak and often wrong
but the two combined together
form a bond twice as strong
and what is left
is the clear path
that one must follow
on the quest for truth.
so true is that.
that most do not see it.
for it is looked at as impossible,
the two combined?
many laugh
but it takes the worst kind
of miracile for such to occur.
a miricle that only the stong survive
the strength of what kind?
the strength of soul?
of body?
of mind?
miracle shall massacre
what we see as the world today
miracle shall massacre
the life we sadly say
most would call their own
but the truth is
it's not their life alone
and those banded together
are stronger than those who hide from help
the strength in truth will rise forever
even if we've all lost all hope
do not feel as all is lost
even in the darkest moments of life
for the truth will come, at any cost
and bring us to days more bright
and the strong ones we see
are the people we want to be
and slowly
they become you and me
and we
become them.
banded together.
it's what we are.
it is streght of heart.
that is need most.
and masacures shall happen
as needed in life.
those who survive shall be great
but greater still maybe those
who perish while helping the pained.
for they saw the truth before anyone else. 01/03/2003 Author's Note: this is the rest of the conversation i had w/ dru on 1/03/03. as you can see, it bears a great deal of similarity to blinded eyes (truth of heart)
Posted on 01/03/2003 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams