

by Cymbre Dolphay

Though the skies are filled with stars
there are some who do not believe
that anyone could have put them there
as for me i can't quite tell
what it is that I believe
I know that those stars above me
were placed there by someone
but who they are and why
is beyond my grasp
I have never seen an angel
or signs of the devil himself
but I am dying to believe
that there is something out there
that loves and cares for me
because whoever put those stars there
those lovely heavenly beings
must be a savior indeed


Posted on 12/01/2002
Copyright © 2025 Cymbre Dolphay

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Carl Walker on 12/09/02 at 02:10 PM

ah, a savior, what a nice thought, but how to find the one real true savior if there is a God (and, yes, I believe there is) then hasn't God made us intellectual and emotional beings. We have logical minds that thirst to discern truth from error. We have hearts that won't be ruled by logic and have thirsts as well. I say we should be cautious of religious beliefs that seek to deny rationality. I believe the real God can be found by seeking; indeed I believe God wants to be found, wants to have a friendship with us in the most intimate way. But I don't believe the real God will deny us our thirst for rationality. I believe a belief in God must be able to withstand all the honest, logical questions we ask. Once we exhaust all our rational questions then we can yeild our emotional devotion. I love to discuss stuff like this with people

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 01/16/03 at 03:45 PM

We are too small in the scheme of things THAT IS to know what is WHAT. But its good to bear in mind that we are too small.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/29/14 at 04:04 PM

"but I am dying to believe that there is something out there that loves and cares for me" - surely a classic line for all of us. I like the idea of looking outward to the stars for some sense of life's meaning. Thanks for this.

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