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with blinded eyes open (truth of heart)

by Andrew S Adams

oh ryming are we ?

so it seems to be, you see?

yes so i see
you see i see

if you see we're rhyiming, then i'd be inclined to agree-
it makes sense to me...

sense it does indead make
the truth is that i seek
to that we speak

but through the cracks of the words
slowly does that truth leak

silence speaks the loudest
the truth is hard to find though
seek we may we might never find

so then, perhaps it was once there
but left behind-
lost, waiting to be discovered
in the depths of our own mind?

the depths are deep
beyond unknown
the truth we seek
or is it we seek
what we have lost
to long ago before we cared

and since that time, when in our hearts
we felt that faintest glow?
with our emotions battered, impared
because of the things lost long ago
or is it there
for us to see-
but in the dark
and blind are we?

blind we are
with our hearts we see
to truth we find but
with out our eyes
it is best to seek
for the heart seeks what the mind loses

but, is the heart so weak
from punishment undeserved?
the eyes of which have seen so much
and now have become unnerved?
if the heart too is blind,
what hope have we to find?
and if the eyes are closed
afraid to look
afraid to see
afraid of that which lurks?
what then,
are we lost?

no lost we are not
paralyzed maybe
but can be found in the most unlikly of
hope is what life was created around
death is an alternative for those bored of life

perhaps, but what to the numb?
those who keep themselves occupied
trying to feel
trying to be real-
they are not bored of life-
yet are hardly living themselves,
life nor death suits this state-
so, is there something else?

that else of wich you speak
is time.
that else is not living
nor is it the re-life of death-
it is solely a place in between
it is a weigh station.
a stop on the way from life to death
that else is only time and time is all
it is all knowing
it is all seeing
it is the reason for creation
and the reason for dying.

so, we decay our flesh
til nothing left but bone
our spirit has gone and left
to find where it calls home
and this death
is so beautiful-
the last breath
is what we deem truthful-

the last breath we await
humanity kills all it touches
nothing is safe
all that is sacred is death is it earths only hope
to kill all would save so many
it would cure the worlds poblems death is the only true savior
god is a meaningless existance to make us feel more significant. we belive to live
for without faith there is no existane
wiht out proof there is no faith
god destoryed himself for to mock faith as a bad thing

i believe god destroyed himself
because we destroy what we create
and this god, product of imagination
came, left, placed love, placed hate
that is
if he indeed ever came
and, but a sacrifical lamb was he
a place we create to place our blame
and existance distorted to fit the greed
of whomever sees it fit
this faith, it's why we bleed-
and why we give a shit
perhaps when we let go of faith
in the god that we built
we unleashed the wrath
of what we said was his will to kill
and the proof lies in the fact
that we think of something so absurd
and the ways we seem to react
to inside our head, the voices that we heard

to let go would not provide wrath but relaese
we would be moving on to being acepting of our mistakes.
to let go, it is our only hope
to exit is our only chance at living
to lose everyting is to fing truth
eyes we need not to see the truth but heart

and perhaps, that is all the truth there is.

but the truth is found only in the depths of souls
deeper then the darkest waters
more deadly the life its self.
the truth is what we seek with our blind eyes open.

how many would trade their world-
their contented blindness
for the fearsome truth
that could truly set them free?
the lies they tell themselves
to close their eyes-
to keep them from what there is to tell
few a strong enough
to stray from this
blinded, shadowed
ignorant bliss?

truth is sought by many
claimind to be true
but only those true of heart shall reach
that sought prize.
deeds in life do little to the heart
for the true of heart are not always
true on mind.
the combination of those things
provide the steps the true cause
for truth is found within the soul
where seeing eyes are not found
to search with only seeing eyes
and you will not find-
but search with heart and caring soul
and you will find the truth-


Author's Note: this is a poem i wrote back and forth with my friend, dru. i didnt know she really wrote that much, but i think that this proves me damn wrong. the stanzas in bold type were written by her, the others were written by me.

Posted on 11/30/2002
Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams

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