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Don't Rain on Me

by Matt Forget

Tinkle, Tat

Goes the rain on my window

Letting me know

ItÂ’s waiting for me


Tamper with my mood

Sour my spirits with boredom

Rust my chance to play

And all you do is fall


No feelings for others

Controlling all

Give colds to those

And sicken their days


Today I watch you

Here your tinker and tat

Never afraid of you

As I pull out my umbrella.


Posted on 11/26/2002
Copyright © 2024 Matt Forget

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rommel Cruz on 12/01/02 at 03:00 AM

interesting. id relate to this more than the normal rain. rain as the miseries, hardships and obstacles that we encounter and how we oftentimes get overwhelmed, saddened and scared by it. the umbrella as our motivation, power and strength to deal with such problems. =)

Posted by Christina Bruno on 12/11/02 at 07:43 PM

great metaphor here

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