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one year anniversary

by Andrew S Adams

are we just in denial-
or are we this dumb
do we know why they fell-
the towers and the pentagon?
was it because maniacs
decided they wanted to have some fun
so they plan these attacks
to hurt a few meaningless humans?
yes, this must be
and boy, we showed them
our red white and blue, oh didnt we?
and we said over and over again
something about how we defy
how we dont crumble and die
when faced with adversity?

then why are you shaking in your boots?

of course, the real point was lost on most
the sympathizers of the mindless drones
these ones were not lost
but better off gone-
as are most of the world
who failed to see
what the real point was
what 9/11 was meant to be

they strike a great symbol of capitalism
they strike a great symbol of war
and we sit and wonder
what the hell they did it for?
you see, money is not the first thing on mind
for the rest of the world
and survival is an everyday thing
in case you havent heard-
opression by the USA
doesnt exactly
make their day-
so, consider being them
consider feeling how they do
and think of how you hate them all
well, they feel the same about you-
so, dont act all sorry
like you didnt have a clue
you should have been worried-
you had it coming to you.
have a nice one year anniversary.


Posted on 09/14/2002
Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams

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