perhaps a year is too long by Andrew S Adamsso many days have passed
since the great fall
but the memory will last
until we are all gone
but still, it will live on
not as what it should be
the day will be mourned
as a reminder that back then
we had been warned
but we took no action
and now
as it will be
no one will doubt
the land of the free
their plight
so good and true?
well then, i have a question for you:
how much will you give
to have your freedom
do you need it to live
because you give it all to them
to fight this war
against a faceless enemy
against the ones who brought down
a nation of hypocrisy, democracy
the words of our leader
"We shall not fail"
tell me that
we fight with fear
and that
"we shall not fail"
is a lie
we already have-
failed ourselves, the world
failed morals, values
and given in to our own minds.
perhaps a year is too long
for me to have said this
so i say it
nine days early. 09/02/2002 Posted on 09/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams